Tower Control operates from the upper part of the control tower, at a height of approximately 30 meters. The view outside is stunning—it’s like being paid to look out the window all day. The tower controller manages a control zone (CTR) that extends from ground level to 2,500 feet QNH, with a radius of about 10 kilometers around Luxembourg Airport. Above this control zone is the terminal control area (TMA), where Approach Control operates.

The tower controller’s goal is to efficiently coordinate departing and arriving IFR and VFR aircraft, creating a safe flow of air traffic while monitoring all air and ground movements, either visually or through surveillance radar. Tower control involves a high level of diversity, managing regular, charter, training, and private flights, as well as rescue and police helicopters and a large percentage of VFR flights. A DFS/UniDo study indicates that tower control is the most stressful area, with a fast-paced environment demanding sharp decisions and minimal planning time.

The control zone is classified as Class D airspace, allowing some flexibility for VFR traffic in visual meteorological conditions. Approximately 100,000 movements are managed each year, averaging one movement every four minutes during the airport’s operating hours. Of all traffic movements, two-thirds are international, while one-third are local VFR flights.