Tower control lives in the upper part of the control tower at ~30m height. The outside view is as amazing as getting paid for looking outside the window all day. The tower controller operates in a control zone (CTR) which extends from ground to 2500 feet QNH in a radius of approximately 10 kilometers around Luxembourg airport. Above the control zone lies the terminal control area (TMA) where Approach control is operating.
The aim of the tower controller is to efficiently integrate departing and arriving IFR and VFR aircraft into a safe flow of air traffic while observing all air and ground movements either visually or by surveillance radar. Diversity in tower control is very high. There are regular, charter, training or private flights, rescue & police helicopters and a high percentage of VFR flights. A DFS/UniDo study shows that the most stress occurs in Tower control. It is fast-paced and requires sharp decisions within the shortest planning time.
The control zone is class D airspace, which allows for some freedom for VFR traffic in visual meteorological conditions. Around 100.000 movements are handled each year which corresponds to an average of one movement every 4 minutes during the opening times of the airport. Among all the traffic movements, two thirds are international, and one third are local VFR flights.