In 2017, nearly 90000 Movements have been registered at ELLX, 74515 international movements and 15429 local movements, all under the responsibility of the aerodrome control tower. This means nearly 3’600’000 passengers and 900’000 tons of freight have been handled at Luxembourg Airport. For more detailed information you may consult
Lettre ouverte au gouvernement
Lettre ouverte au gouvernement du 8 Mai 2017 Lettre-ouverte.doc
Les fonctionnaires de l’Ana maintiennent la pression | Paperjam News
À deux jours de la deuxième réunion de conciliation sur la réforme de l’Administration de la navigation aérienne (Ana), la représentation du personnel et la Guilde luxembourgeoise des contrôleurs aériens dénoncent d’une seule voix «la mise aux enchères» de leur administration. Source: Les fonctionnaires de l’Ana maintiennent la pression | Paperjam News
Luxemburger Wort – Personalvertreter befürchten Ausverkauf der ANA
Personalvertreter befürchten Ausverkauf der ANA Source: Luxemburger Wort – Personalvertreter befürchten Ausverkauf der ANA
Video of traffic in Luxembourg at night
New SIDs
As of today, due to magnetic variation (1 degree to the east), the SIDs (Standard Instrument Departure Routes) have been updated. The number in each SID has been incremented by 1.
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Installation of ASMGCS
The airport is now equipped with an ASMGCS (Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System) assisting the controller during marginal meteorological conditions.
Complete Site update
The Site got a new, more modern look with the help of WordPress.
Airport History before 2016
1937, March 19th Luxembourg Government gets OK to build an airport at the site called ‘Findel’ outside Luxembourg City. 1940-45 2nd World War stops first efforts. Site with reinforced grass RWY is used by US Forces. 1946 A wooden barrack and stand are the first terminal and tower.